
تقاضای فوری کمک بشردوستانه

09:28 - 21/6/2024

تقاضای فوری کمک بشردوستانه

دوستان این متن برای گارد ساحلی اتحادیه اروپا تهیه شده و از آنان برای کشف اجساد سرنشینان کشتی غرق شدە در آب های ایتالیا، تقاضای کمک و قبول مسئولیت شده است. لطفا در حجم بالا متنی کە در لینک زیر قرار دارد را بدون تغییر به ایمیل frontex@frontex.europa.eu ارسال کنید تا حد ممکن بر این سازمان برای کمک رسانی فشار وارد کنیم. 👇👇👇

Dear Frontex,

We are writing to express our deep concern and urge immediate action following the tragic capsizing of a migrant sailboat off the Calabria Coasts in the central Mediterranean, which occurred approximately four days ago. This incident, reportedly resulting in the deaths of over 60 people, highlights the critical need for enhanced search and rescue capabilities at EU borders.

We understand that the Italian Coast Guard took four days to reach the scene. This raises serious questions about the adequacy of current border management protocols and response times. In accordance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and international law, Frontex has a responsibility to facilitate effective border management while upholding the human rights of all individuals, including migrants.

We therefore urge Frontex to take the following actions:

Launch a swift investigation into the circumstances surrounding this tragedy, with a particular focus on response times and potential violations of human rights.
Deploy additional resources to the central Mediterranean to enhance search and rescue capabilities and prevent further loss of life.
Review and strengthen existing protocols for responding to migrant emergencies at sea, ensuring timely and effective interventions.
We believe that a prompt and comprehensive response from Frontex is essential to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future. We look forward to your urgent attention to this matter.


Hana Human Rights Organization

June 21, 2024

10:50 - 21/6/2024 بروز شده است.